Sensory Deprivation: Ultimate Guide to Benefits

You may be wondering, what exactly is sensory deprivation and how does it impact health? Simply put, it’s the reduction of sensory experiences, like sight and sound, to promote a deep state of calm. Through this article, we’ll uncover how the silence and darkness of a float tank can significantly enhance relaxation, boost cognitive abilities, and offer numerous health benefits—all without overwhelming jargon or a sales pitch.

Sensory deprivation, as experienced in a float pod, entails the intentional reduction or removal of stimuli from one or more of the senses, creating a setting conducive for relaxation and mental rejuvenation. Imagine floating in a lightless, soundless tank filled with Epsom salt water, where the external world fades away, allowing the mind to retreat into a state of calm.

The brain, when free from the constant influx of sensory input, undergoes substantial neuroplastic changes. Sensory deprivation can activate brain regions typically associated with lost senses and could prompt the brain to reinstate sensation through hallucinations. The result? A heightened sense of creativity, enhanced concentration, and improved memory consolidation.

The Origins of Sensory Deprivation

The concept of sensory deprivation is not a recent phenomenon. It traces its roots back to the 1950s when John C. Lilly, a physician, psychoanalyst, and neurophysiologist, created the first sensory deprivation tank. Driven by curiosity about the human brain’s functionality in a deprived environment, Lilly developed a tank that was designed to minimise external distractions and induce heightened creative experiences, which later evolved into sensory deprivation tank therapy.

Since Lilly’s first invention, sensory deprivation tanks have undergone significant advancements. Today, we have a global industry revolving around floatation therapy, offering various designs of tanks, including the popular floatation tank, traditional isolation tanks, spacious pods, and open float rooms.

Sensory deprivation is a relatively simple yet profound concept. As sensory input is limited, the mind and body can transition into a state of deep relaxation, potentially enhancing creativity, focus, and overall wellbeing. This reduction in external stimulation results in relaxation, anxiety and stress reduction, relief from physical discomfort, improved mood, decreased blood pressure, and lower levels of stress hormones.

Visualise yourself floating in a tank. Freed from the bombardment of sensory input, your brain diverts its focus from secondary processes such as abstract thinking to primary processes like intuition and present-focused imagination. This redirection of attention can potentially lead to enhanced learning outcomes and improved performance across different activities.

How Sensory Deprivation Works

Float Tanks: The Modern Sensory Deprivation Experience

Float Tanks: The Modern Sensory Deprivation Experience

Float tanks represent the modern adaptation of Lilly’s creation, specifically designed to provide the optimal sensory deprivation experience, also known as floatation rest. Float tanks, also known as isolation tanks, operate on the premise of restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). They create an environment devoid of light, sound, and tactile sensations, allowing individuals to float effortlessly in a solution of water and Epsom salt, leading to a profound state of relaxation and sensory isolation in the isolation tank.

These tanks aim to obliterate visual and auditory stimuli, thus establishing a perfect environment for relaxation and revitalisation. The magic lies in the high-density Epsom salt solution that allows users to float effortlessly, thereby reducing muscle tension and mental anxiety. They come in various designs, including traditional narrow rectangular tanks and the more common float pods, catering to individual preferences and comfort levels.

Selecting a float tank is a matter of personal preference, akin to choosing a car or a house. Some people prefer the open pool float tanks with their anti-slip floor surface and double hull GRP design for improved heat retention. Yet others opt for the enclosed pod float tank, a soundless and lightless chamber filled with Epsom salt water, heated to skin temperature, creating a cocoon of sensory isolation.

For those who prefer a roomier experience, there are expansive cabin float tanks, with significant internal floating areas, offering ample space for the users. The diversity of float tank designs ensures that there is a tank for every individual, regardless of their preferences or comfort levels.

Types of Float Tanks

Modern float tanks are not merely containers filled with salt water. They possess multiple key features intended to enrich the sensory deprivation experience. For instance, temperature control is crucial for establishing a comfortable environment. The water in the tank is carefully regulated to ensure it is neither excessively warm nor excessively cool, typically set at 36 degrees Celsius which corresponds to the skin’s temperature.

Additionally, float tanks offer the following features and safety measures:

  • Customizable lighting to control the ambiance inside the tank

  • Ability to choose preferred colors or dimming settings for a calming environment

  • Comprehensive cleaning regimens to ensure a safe floating experience

  • Electrical safety measures to prevent contact with the salt solution

  • Non-slip surfaces to prevent accidents

Key Features of Float Tanks

Health Benefits of Sensory Deprivation

Health Benefits of Sensory Deprivation

Float tanks represent the modern adaptation of Lilly’s creation, specifically designed to provide the optimal sensory deprivation experience, also known as floatation rest. Float tanks, also known as isolation tanks, operate on the premise of restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). They create an environment devoid of light, sound, and tactile sensations, allowing individuals to float effortlessly in a solution of water and Epsom salt, leading to a profound state of relaxation and sensory isolation in the isolation tank.

These tanks aim to obliterate visual and auditory stimuli, thus establishing a perfect environment for relaxation and revitalization. The magic lies in the high-density Epsom salt solution that allows users to float effortlessly, thereby reducing muscle tension and mental anxiety. They come in various designs, including traditional narrow rectangular tanks and the more common float pods, catering to individual preferences and comfort levels.

Envision a place where stress and anxiety dissipate, giving way to a state of profound relaxation and clarity. Float therapy can enhance creativity, focus, and concentration. It can reduce anxiety and stress, and promote feelings of happiness and inner peace. When you step into a sensory deprivation tank, you’re not just stepping into a body of water. You’re stepping into a space designed to rejuvenate the mind and enhance mental wellbeing.

The tranquil environment of a float tank can act as a sanctuary, a space where you can:

  • Disconnect from the external world

  • Reconnect with your inner self

  • Push the pause button on the constant influx of sensory information

  • Allow your mind to rest, reset, and revitalize

It’s an opportunity to find peace and rejuvenation.

Mental Wellbeing

Float therapy, also known as floatation therapy, caters not only to mental wellbeing but also facilitates physical recovery. By creating a weightless environment, float therapy can alleviate muscle tension and pain, providing relief to those suffering from chronic pain. Furthermore, sensory deprivation can improve athletic performance by enhancing sensory awareness, focus, and concentration.

The Epsom salt in float tanks also plays a crucial role in physical recovery. It helps decrease inflammation, facilitate healing, and induce relaxation of the mind. Imagine stepping out of a float tank feeling not just mentally rejuvenated, but physically revitalized as well.

Physical Recovery

The benefits of float therapy aren’t confined to the timespan of the float session. By stimulating the production of endorphins and facilitating the generation of theta brainwaves, float therapy can enhance sleep quality. Studies have indicated that float therapy can result in enhancements in insomnia symptoms and a decrease in the time it takes to fall asleep.

The reduction of stress levels contributes to improved sleep by decreasing the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, and enhancing the regulation of sleep-wake cycles. Imagine drifting off to sleep effortlessly each night, waking up feeling refreshed and recharged. That’s the potential power of float therapy.

Sleep Improvement

Safety and Precautions in Sensory Deprivation

Safety and Precautions in Sensory Deprivation

Despite the numerous benefits sensory deprivation provides, it’s essential to undertake it with a mindful consideration for safety and precaution. Float centres uphold rigorous hygiene standards by utilizing advanced filtration and sterilisation systems, which incorporate high-quality filters, UV light, or ozone to eradicate microorganisms. Following each use, the tanks undergo a comprehensive multi-stage cleaning process, ensuring a clean and safe environment for users.

It’s also crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional before participating in sensory deprivation therapy, especially for individuals with specific medical conditions.

Hygiene and cleanliness hold the utmost importance in float centres. Here are some measures taken to maintain a hygienic environment:

  • Customers are required to shower both before and after use.

  • The tanks are thoroughly cleaned before and after each use.

  • The filtration system comprises pumps, filters, UV lights, and disinfectants.

These measures ensure a hygienic environment for users.

Furthermore, the water in a sensory deprivation tank is typically changed every 1000 users or every 6 months, according to the US Float Tank Standards, to maintain high standards of cleanliness and safety. So you can rest assured knowing that every float session you enter is clean and safe.

Hygiene and Filtration

Although sensory deprivation serves as a potent instrument for relaxation and rejuvenation, it necessitates careful and thorough consideration. Adhering to safety guidelines during sensory deprivation is crucial to prevent adverse effects and ensure a safe experience. This includes avoiding substances that could impair judgment or discomfort and adhering to recommended practices for before and during the float session.

Moreover, pre-existing conditions such as:

  • hearing or visual impairments

  • cognitive impairments

  • sleep disorders

  • sensory processing disorders

may influence an individual’s perception and processing of the absence of stimuli, possibly necessitating extra accommodations or expert assistance. It’s important to communicate any discomfort or concerns to the float centre staff effectively to ensure a positive experience.

Avoiding Negative Effects

Who Can Benefit from Sensory Deprivation?

Sensory deprivation isn’t solely for individuals seeking relaxation and unwinding. It extends potential benefits to a broad spectrum of people, encompassing pregnant women seeking solace from discomfort related to pregnancy and individuals grappling with chronic pain.

By enhancing sleep quality, alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure, and mitigating pain, float therapy can provide significant relief for pregnant women. And for individuals suffering from chronic pain, sensory deprivation can serve as a valuable resource for pain management.

Pregnancy is a time of intense physical and emotional changes. Float therapy can provide relief from pregnancy-related pain, enhance the mother-child connection, and promote relaxation. However, it’s recommended that pregnant women avoid float therapy during the first trimester, and always consult a healthcare professional before participating.

By creating a buoyant environment that enables the stretching of muscles and joints, float therapy can alleviate sore muscles and decrease swelling in the feet and ankles, providing relief from pregnancy-related discomfort. Moreover, the improved blood circulation and increased mindfulness can result in a stronger mother-child connection during pregnancy.

Pregnant Women

For individuals suffering from chronic pain, sensory deprivation can provide much-needed relief. By triggering the release of endorphins, float therapy can offer natural pain mitigation and result in pain reduction, as well as reductions in stiffness.

Imagine a space where pain and discomfort melt away, replaced by a sense of deep relaxation and tranquility. That’s what sensory deprivation can offer. By reducing muscle tension and pain, float therapy can provide a powerful tool for managing chronic pain. Moreover, it has shown notable efficacy in the treatment of tension headaches.

Individuals with Chronic Pain

Preparing for your first Float Session

Sensory deprivation isn’t solely for individuals seeking relaxation and unwinding. It extends potential benefits to a broad spectrum of people, encompassing pregnant women seeking solace from discomfort related to pregnancy and individuals grappling with chronic pain.

By enhancing sleep quality, alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure, and mitigating pain, float therapy can provide significant relief for pregnant women. And for individuals suffering from chronic pain, sensory deprivation can serve as a valuable resource for pain management.

Comfort is paramount while preparing for a float session. While some individuals prefer to float nude for a more immersive experience, you have the option to wear a swimsuit or choose to float in comfortable clothing.

While towels, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, a shower, and hair dryers are available at our float centre, you might want to bring your own towel and any personal hygiene products that you prefer to use after the session. It’s also recommended to remove contact lenses, jewelry, and hair accessories before floating to ensure optimal comfort.

What to bring

During the float session, maintaining focus on relaxation and adhering to the float centre’s guidelines is crucial. If you experience any discomfort or have concerns during the session, do not hesitate to terminate the session or engage in communication with the staff.

Remember, this is your time to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate. Embrace the tranquility, let go of external worries, and allow yourself to drift into a state of deep relaxation.

Remember, the float centre staff is there to ensure your comfort and safety, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you need anything.

During the session